Equal Opportunities Policy


This policy sets out Bangor FC’s, approach to Equal Opportunities and Diversity and its application in practice.


The policy applies equally to all employees of Bangor FC

The aim of this policy is to ensure the promotion of equality of opportunity and recognition of diversity throughout Bangor FC.

We recognise that the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice; it also makes good community sense. Bangor FC is an Equal Opportunities Employer, committed to ensuring that the talents and resources of all our employees are utilised to the full. By using fair and objective employment practices our aim is to ensure that all employees and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect at all stages of their employment.


Our objective is to promote equality of opportunity and fair participation and ensure that Bangor FC will not discriminate against any individual in matters of recruitment and selection, irrespective of religious belief or political opinion, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, because someone is married or in a civil partnership, age, disability, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), nationality or ethnic origin

We are committed to:

  • i. Preventing any form of direct or indirect discrimination, or victimisation.
  • ii. Promoting equality of opportunity for all employees.
  • iii. Promoting fair participation for all groups represented by Bangor FC.
  • iv. Promoting equality of opportunity for people of all religions or none.
  • v. Promoting equal opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • vi. Promoting equality of opportunity for people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment status.
  • vii. Promoting equal opportunities for people of all races
  • viii. Promoting a good, harmonious and diverse working environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity and in which no form of intimidation or harassment will be tolerated.
  • ix. Fulfilling our obligations under relevant legislation and associated Codes of Practice.


To achieve our objective, the following principles will be applied by Bangor FC

  • i. Bangor FC will recognise and promote compliance with its legal obligations under all appropriate legislation
  • ii. Bangor FC has established procedures designed to promote equality of opportunity and will cover areas such as recruitment and selection.
  • iii. Bangor FC will keep all employment procedures and practices under review to ensure continued effectiveness and communicate these throughout Bangor FC,
  • iv. Bangor FC will provide facilities to any employee who believes that they have been unfairly treated within the scope of this policy to raise the matter through the complaints procedure outlined in this policy.
  • v. Bangor FC will not permit the display of flags, emblems, posters or other material which is likely to cause offence on the grounds detailed above,


  • i. Direct Discrimination
    Direct Discrimination arises when an individual is treated less favourably than another person would be or has been treated in a comparable situation because of their gender, because someone is married or in a civil partnership, gender reassignment, pregnancy & maternity leave, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, belief, age or disability.
  • ii. Associative Discrimination
    Associative Discrimination is where an individual is directly discriminated against or harassed for association with another individual who has a protected characteristic (although it does not cover harassment because of marriage and civil partnership, and (according to guidance from the Government) pregnancy and maternity).
  • iii. Perceptive Discrimination
    Perceptive discrimination is where an individual is directly discriminated against or harassed based on a perception that he/she has a particular protected characteristic when he/she does not, in fact, have that protected characteristic (other than marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity).
  • iv. Indirect Discrimination
    Indirect Discrimination occurs when a provision, criterion or practice is equally applied to everyone but where the application of the provision results in a disadvantage to people from a particular group and where an individual suffers some sort of detriment as a result.
  • v. Victimisation
    Victimisation occurs when a person is treated less favourably or suffers a detriment because they have done or intend to do a 'protected act'. Protected Acts include bring or intending to bring proceedings under one of the anti discrimination laws, giving evidence at a tribunal, complaining internally of discrimination or assisting someone else in their complaint.
  • vi. Harassment
    Harassment is where unwanted conduct occurs which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person. The question of whether or not behaviour constitutes harassment depends largely on the perception of the person on the receiving end, not on the intention of the perpetrator. It may involve an isolated incident or a persistent course of conduct.
  • vii. Diversity
    Diversity occurs when the workforce is made up of members from all backgrounds, communities, race & gender. Individual differences are respected and valued and Bangor FC acknowledges the distinctive contribution of each individual to the success of our club


  • i. Racial harassment or harassment on the grounds of religion, belief, community background or political opinion is unacceptable behaviour taken by an individual (whether that person witnesses the behaviour first hand or comes to hear of it) as being unreasonable, or unwelcome or offensive by reason of its express or implied reference to race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, political opinion or any similar factor. This may include offensive remarks about appearance, derogatory name-calling, sectarian comments, racist jokes and comments or threats against a person because of their race, religion or beliefs or political opinion.
  • ii. It may be the case that individuals believe that they are treated less favourably (discriminated against) or harassed because they are Protestant or Catholic; or because they are perceived to be nationalist or unionist; or indeed individuals may be discriminated against or harassed because they do not hold any of these beliefs or opinions. Political opinion is not limited solely to Northern Ireland constitutional politics and may include political opinion relating to the conduct or government of the state or matters of policy e.g. conservative or socialist political opinions. A political opinion which includes approval or acceptance of the use of violence for political purposes in Northern Ireland is excluded.
  • iii. Displaying flags and emblems in the workplace is prohibited. Racist graffiti, provocative behaviour such as the wearing of racist, political or sectarian badges and/or emblems and the distribution of racist, political or sectarian literature is unacceptable in the workplace and may amount to a form of racial harassment.
  • iv. Complaints of sectarian/religious harassment can be made to the Fair Employment Tribunal of Northern Ireland against the colleague in his/her personal capacity and the individual colleague can be held personally liable to pay compensation awards.


The Chairman has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Equal Opportunity & Diversity Policy. However, all colleagues have a responsibility to comply with this policy, and to promote equality of opportunity for all.

Specific responsibilities fall upon management, supervisors and others in the areas of recruitment, selection and staff engagement for ensuring that this policy is implemented. Senior managers are responsible for the provision of advice, training, and guidance for policy implementation and operation, and for any review of this policy.

Breaches of our Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy may result in disciplinary action. Proven malicious complaints may also be treated as a serious disciplinary matter which, again, may result in dismissal.


Bangor FC has established policies and procedures designed to promote equality of opportunity within a diverse and harmonious working environment, in which no employee feels under threat or intimidation. We are committed to the creation of a harmonious workplace and will undertake all reasonable practicable steps to ensure that employees are not subjected to discrimination.

All forms of discrimination, victimisation, harassment, bullying and intimidation are unacceptable in any working environment as they have an adverse effect on working relations and on an individual’s well being.

In relation to disabled workers, Bangor FC will consider the nature of the disability and will give consideration to reasonable adjustments, where practicable to the physical environment.


Bangor FC will promote an organisational culture in which all employees are welcomed and regarded as equal. Valuing the full range of talents and perspectives of our people will ensure that we have a breadth of viewpoints, experiences and intellectual skills needed to succeed within an evolving working environment and marketplace. This in turn will lead to increased innovation and engagement.

Bangor FC will endeavour to consider the work-life balance needs of colleagues, making people decisions based on objective information rather than ‘intuition’ or ‘favouritism’.

Bangor FC will promote a culture of dignity and respect by challenging inappropriate behaviour in line with agreed policies and will deal swiftly with any incidents of harassment, bullying or discrimination.


Any employee who believes that they have been unfairly treated, directly or indirectly in any aspect of their employment on the grounds of their religious belief or political opinion, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, because someone is married or in a civil partnership, age, disability, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), nationality or ethnic origin, is entitled to raise the matter through the complaints procedure set out below. The objective of the procedure is to promptly deal with breaches of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy in order to maintain a harmonious working environment

i. Procedure

  • a. The Informal Stage

    Employees can seek to resolve matters informally by either providing details of the alleged unfair treatment to their Manager. The allegation will then be investigated, where appropriate by management and supported by the Board and the employee advised of the outcome.

    There may be situations where the seriousness or nature of the complaint warrants the formal procedure to be undertaken by management and where this arises the complainant will be suitably advised by the Board

  • b. The Formal Stage

    The formal complaints procedure is appropriate if:
    - the person making the complaint prefers this; or
    - if the outcome of the informal process is unsatisfactory to the employee;
    - or if the complaint is deemed to be of a serious nature by the Board.

A formal investigation may also be initiated in the event of any patterns emerging.

ii. Investigation under the Formal Procedure

Bangor FC will endeavour, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case and officers available, to have the procedure completed within 20 working days of the complaint being received. Where this is not possible the procedure will be completed as soon as is practicable.

If it is not possible to meet with the time limits both parties will be advised of the revised timescale.

iii. Making a Formal Complaint

Any formal complaints made should be in writing to the Board either through the complainant’s line manager (or any other manager as appropriate) or directly to the Board, however this will not preclude the investigation of a complaint made verbally if it is deemed by the Board to be of a serious nature.

An Investigating Officer will be appointed by the Board who will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and arrange to meet with the complainant, where possible, within 3 working days of receiving the complaint.

iv. Investigating the Complaint

An Investigating Officer will be assisted in carrying out their investigation into the complaint by a member of the Board. They will attend all meetings and maintain an agreed written record of all proceedings including the investigation and any outcome.

Investigating Officers and members of the Board involved in carrying out investigations should be in no way connected with the allegations that have been made.

v. Investigatory Meetings

The Investigating Officer and a member of the Board will meet with the complainant and anyone else who may be able to assist with the investigation.

The purpose of these meetings is to establish the facts. All those giving information do so confidentially and will be given the opportunity to be accompanied by a trade union representative or work colleague.

An agreed record of all meetings will be kept. All evidence provided (including the notes from meetings) will be treated confidentially, as far as is possible.

Individuals who attend the meetings will also be expected to maintain confidentiality.

vi. Concluding the Investigation

The Investigating Officer undertaking the investigation should prepare a written report outlining the facts, indicating the findings and also whether or not there is a recommendation for further action to be taken (which may include a recommendation for Disciplinary action).

vii. Decision on Required Action

The Bangor FC Board will then decide whether or not to accept the recommendations of the report, which could lead to the following action:

  • a. To initiate Bangor FC’s Disciplinary Policy against any party as appropriate; or if no Disciplinary action;
  • b. To take no further action; or
  • c. To take another form of action such as training or counselling

viii. Communicating the Decision

Any decision will be communicated to the complainant via a board representative.

This will involve giving an overview of the report provided and informing the complainant of any action to be taken against the accused.

(Page last updated: 26/01/2021)